Taxi Companies in the City of Barrie are responsible for setting their own rates, ours can be found below!
Our rates and fares do not change with the weather or your needs. We charge the same amount no matter what the weather is, what special events are happening, and no matter what the demand is. Whatever is going on, you can be assured that you will not be subjected to surge pricing when taking a Barrie Taxi.
The City of Barrie has a pilot project in place for the taxi industry where taxi companies are able to charge what they wish. For the duration of the pilot project, we will not be changing our rates and all in town trips will be metered. A copy of the taxicab tariff card can be found in all Barrie Taxi Ltd. vehicles and the rates can be found below:
*H.S.T. included in all fares.
Although the rates are regulated by the City of Barrie, Barrie Taxi Ltd. can provide flat rates for parcel deliveries, airport runs and out-of-town trips to suit your needs. Please contact us for a quote now!
*Must provide federal Government proof of senior citizen status.